· IGU Commissions’ Chairs:
#01: African Studies Chair; Dr. Inocent Moyo, Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, University of Zululand, South Africa, Mobile: +27 72 106 2632,
E-mail: minnoxa.m@gmail.com#04:Biogeography and Biodiversity; Chair, Prof. Dr. Udo Schickhoff, Biogeography and Landscape Ecology Working Group. University of Hamburg, Germany, udo.schickhoff@t-online.de , Vice Chair, Dr Suraj Mal, Department of Geography, Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, University of Delhi, India, Phone: +91 996 816 6893,
E-mail: surajdse@gmail.com#07:Cold and High Altitude Regions; Chair: Prof. Dr. Shichang Kang, Laboratory of Cryosphere Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou, China .
E-Mail: shichang.kang@lzb.ac.cn
#09 Dynamics of Economic Spaces: Chair, Professor Dr. Eva Kiss. Geographical Institute, Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences. Budapest, Hungary. Phone: +36 30 090 5582, +36 1-3092600/1455
E-mail: kiss.eva@csfk.org , kisse@mail.iif.hu#15:Geography of Governance; Co-Chair Prof. Anna Trono, University of Salento, Italy. 00390832295603 00390832295629.
E-Mail: anna.trono@unisalento.it
Co-Chair Dr. Jeffrey McNeill, Massey University, New Zealand.
E-Mail: jeff.mcneill1958@gmail.com
- #26:Karst commission; Chair, Prof (Associate) Dr. Eko Haryono, Faculty of Geography, University of Gadjah Mada, Indonesia,
E-mail: e.haryono@ugm.ac.id #27:Land Degradation and Desertification; Chair, Dr. Matija Zorn, Department of Physical Geography, Anton Melik Geographical Institute, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Phone: 00386 1 4706 348,
E-Mail: matija.zorn@zrc-sazu.si- #29:Land Use and Land Cover Change; Chair, Professor Monica Ştefania Dumitraşcu, Facultatea de Geografie, Universitatea din Bucureşti, Romania, Phone:021320 86 99, 0721 243 489,
E-mail: stefania_dumitrascu@yahoo.com #31:Local and Regional Development; Chair, Ines Grigorescu, Institute of Geography, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania,
E-mail: inesgrigorescu@yahoo.com#32: Marginalization, Globalization, and Regional and Local Responses; Chair Professor Borna Fuerst-Bjeliš, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography, Zagreb, Croatia. Phone +385 1 4895 428.
E-Mail: bornafb@geog.pmf.unizg.hr bornafb@geog.pmf.unizg.hr#33:Mediterranean Basin; Chair, Professor Anastasia Stratigeia, National Technical University of Athens, Greece,
E-Mail: stratige@central.ntua.gr ,Prof. Dr. M. Alouat, ENSB École Normale Supérieure De Bouzaréah – DZ.: alouat.mohamed@ensb.dz#34: Modelling Geographical Systems; Chair, Professor Dr. Min Chen, Vice Director, Key Laboratory of Virtual Geographic Environment, Ministry of Education of PRC, Nanjing Normal University, China,
E-mail: chenmin0902@163.com#42:Urban Commission: Re-Thinking cities and the urban: from the global to the local; Chair, Professor Dr. Maria Jose Piñeira- Mantiñán, Spain,
E-Mail: mariajose.pineira@usc.es#47: Young and Early Career Geographers: Chair, Dr Gaurav Sikka, Assistant Professor, Patliputra University, Patna, Bihar, India.
E-mail: gauravsikkageo@gmail.com
· From EC of IGU & EGS:
Prof. Nathalie Lemarchand, President.
UFR eriTES Département de Géographie, Université Paris 8. France.
Prof. Barbaros Gönençgil. Secretary-General.
Department of Geography, University of Istanbul. Turkey.
- Prof. Michael Meadows, Former President.
Department of Environmental and Geographical Science. University of Cape Town. South Africa. Prof. Rubén C Lois-González, Vice President.
Department of Geography, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Pza. Universidade. 1, Spain.
Prof. Dr. Ismail Youssef Ismail, Secretary General, Egyptian Geographical Society.
Department of Geography. Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University, Egypt.