The conference will include plenary, oral presentations, and poster sessions.


The main theme contains sub-themes of the participating commissions under which sessions will be held from 12 to 15 April, 2025.  


The sub-themes and sessions are defined upon the areas of interest of the 11 confirmed participating IGU commissions.


Other sessions for sub-themes will also be nominated upon the received accepted abstracts. 


Proposed topics:

The topics are derived from the specialties and sub-themes of the commissions. The topics will be arranged to abide with the participating commissions’ sub-themes to which the abstracts will by directed by participants.


The expected topics could be around the following titles but not limited to them: 


Proposed main commissions Sub-Themes:

Note: By clicking on the name of the commission, the names of the sessions appear

  • African borders and borderlands
  • Africa and climate change
  • Africa and natural resource use/management
  • African development challenges and trajectories
  • Conflict, war and development
  • Environmental issues and challenges in sub-Saharan Africa
  • Geopolitics and the geographies of war and terrorism
  • Globalisation, Africa and marginality
  • Migration, development and regional integration
  • Post development geographies in Africa
  • Regional Integration in Africa and Changing Global Balances
  • Urban Transition in Africa
  • Water resources management and governance


Rapid Cryospheric Changes and Sustainable Development

Conveners: Shichang Kang, Yulan Zhang, Tatiana Vlasova


High Altitude Transboundary Headwater Governance for Increasing Water Access, Managing Conflict and Improving Climate Resilience in Highlands and Lowlands

Conveners: Prakash C. Tiwari, V. P. Sati, Tatiana Vlasova..

  • Local Government Reforms in a Changing World: trends, challenges and prospects.
  • Local Governance in the Middle East and North Africa Region.
  • Local e-Governance: the role of Geo-Spatial Technologies in the governance and planning of cities and other human settlements.

Sessions will be co-organized by: Prof. Dr. Anastasia Stratigeia and Prof. Dr. Mohamed Alouat

  • Current and emerging challenges in the Mediterranean (e.g. climate change, water poverty, evolving energy scenery, demographic changes, migration patterns) and related impacts.
  • Developments in the green and blue economy.
  • Land- and maritime-based spatial developments and planning.
  • Land – marine interaction (ports, fishing, tourism, energy, etc.).
  • Smart, sustainable and resilient island communities.
  • Coastalization/Touristification/Overtourism trends in coastal/insular regions.
  • Sustainable and resilient exploitation of land and underwater cultural heritage.
  • Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and their applications in pursuing sustainability and resilience objectives in coastal and marine space.

Cities as drivers of, and driven by, transformational change

Cities, urban systems and nation states

Urban areas under pressure of transformation

Climate change, resilience, urban health and well-being

Governance, institutions, urban policy


Proposed sub- topics:

  1. Advancing geographic knowledge, research, emerging concepts, approaches and methods.

  2. Anthropogenic climate, human causes of environmental and biospheric global changes.

  3. Awareness on geographical education and promoting citizenry.

  4. Capacities of economic and services geographies in changing world.

  5. Communitywise, social, cultural, demographic changes and shifts.

  6. Compulsory, illegal, irregular and conflicts migration.

  7. Connections between power, politics and spaces from political geography perspectives, and on discursive praxis, globalization, politics of climate change, territorialisation and on recent major military-political disputes.

  8. Consequences of global and climatic changes & sustainability.

  9. Coupling human and natural system and sustainability on international and worldwide level.

  10. Cultural perspective for geographical changes and sustainability.

  11. Disaster risk reduction, risk reduction and risk management in human and physical dimensions.

  12. Driving processes affecting rural and countryside areas systems sustainability and resilience.

  13. Drought, desertification, difficulties in agricultural security and food supply.

  14. Dynamics of green and blue economic spaces and growth on national and alliances contexts.

  15. Eliminating rural, urban environmental  problems, poverty, scarcity in fresh water and sanitation  .

  16. From sustainable development to sustainable environment.

  17. Geodiversity, geographical heritage sites, geomonuments, geoparks and tourism.

  18. Geographic and literature analyses of place names.

  19. Geography of information, innovation and technology and impacts on  knowledge and economy.

  20. Geomatics applications and applied geography.

  21. Global change effect in tourism and Leisure sustainability on local development.

  22. Global shifts in markets &buisiness, decent work and economic growth.

  23. Globalized nature of daily life, global understanding for sustainability and pressing global issues.

  24. Guarantee peace, justice, and strong institutions.

  25. Human-landscape interaction,  geoarchaeological, geomorphological records and dynamics.

  26. Influence of irresponsible consumption and production on major changes in global economy.

  27. Interactive human and physical coastal systems and coastal zone use and management.

  28. Interdisciplinary mountain research, on social and natural characteristics and montology systems.

  29. Islands development studies on natural and human diversity issues.

  30. Latin American, Caribbean sustainable development experiences in changing geographic circumstances.

  31. local manifestations of human mobility in relation to global changes and its reflection on development.

  32. Marginalization and globalization-driven inequality societies in differing economic, political, social and environmental changing conditions.

  33. Philosophy, history of geography and cartography and historical geography.

  34. Political changes, power shifts and sustainable supply chain management.

  35. Population vulnerability, difference, changes, behaviors and demographic components, policy relevant  to solve societal, economic and physical crisis tied to higher cost of living.

  36. Promoted service of GIS for smart city and human mobility and natural and human emergencies.

  37. Quality education in digital and AI age.

  38. Reflections of informality in urbanism, economy, settlements and employment on social change and instability.

  39. Rural-urban sustainable relations and human-natural transformations.

  40. Socio-political issue of sustainable tourism.

  41. Sustainabil health equity justice and local and global changes.

  42. Sustainability of water resources, water development work, fostering links between human and physical aspects of water management.

  43. The impact of the (COVID-19) pandemic and changing behavior.

  44. Sustainable urban transition , public policy governance, city persistence, humanism , facility developments, smart growth and and urban  diversity.

  45. The persecution of women and children & reduce inequality.

  46. Trans-boundary landscape, cultural landscape, and landscape planning and sustainability .

  47. Transforming economic geography and risky  local and global changes.

  48. Transport issues  and smart, contemporary autonomous technology and clean affordable energy.

  49. War impact on society, economy, infrastructure, innovation and political partnership.

  50. Other sub-topics.

Egyptian Geographical Society (EGS)

Useful Links

Conference Organisers

109 Qasr Al-Aini Street, Garden City, Tahrir Square, cairo, Egypt

EGS President of board of directors

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Zaki El Sedemy

 EGS Secretary General

Conference Secretary

Prof. Dr. Ismail Youssef Ismail